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  • 1. The role, status and trends of development of mutual benefits in modern society: TC: on Mutual Benefit Societies
  • 2. Impact of disability on labor capability and the assessment methods. Three TCs will deal with different aspects of this issue: TC on Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivor's insurance; TC on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies; TC on Social Security Research.

  • 3. The compensation standards and key technology of assessment of work accidents and occupational diseases.
    Will be part of the discussion to take place in the meeting of the TC on Insurance against Employment accidents and Occupational Diseases.

  • 4. The assessment of occupational diseases and hazards in the working environment.

  • 5. Evolution and trend of development of medical insurance cost settlement methods. TC on Medical Care and Sickness Insurance

  • 6. The impact of illness prevention on medical insurance

  • 7. Medical aid for the impoverished

  • 8. Urban impoverishment and multi-layer medical insurance system

  • 9. Coverage, target group and standards of minimum insurance (family insurance). TC on Family Allowances

  • 10. Proportion of unemployment insurance fund to be used for the promotion of employment and the investment orientation.
    TC on Unemployment Insurance and Employment Maintenance

  • 11. Principles of deciding the unemployment insurance benefit and entitlement period. TC on Unemployment Insurance and Employment Maintenance

  • 12. Basic principles on pension fund investment and its development trend. TC on Provident Funds and Allied Schemes

  • 13. Social insurance fund investment and monitoring risks of capital market. TC on Provident Funds and Allied Schemes

  • 14. International standards on the seniors and legitimacy for pension

  • 15. Balance between aging, birth control and social pension fund

  • 16. Significance of information technology management for social security cost control. TC on Information Technology

  • 17. Social security for farmers.
    Not part of the work of Technical Commissions, but we propose a plenary session on Wednesday AM. on this subject.

  • 18. Government public budget and social security.
    Partly dealt with by the TC on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies.

  • 19. How to define social security benefits.

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