体温—纪念安徒生诞辰 200周年中国当代艺术邀请展

《体温—纪念安徒生诞辰 200周年中国当代艺术邀请展》在北京展出结束

  《体温——纪念安徒生诞辰 200周年·中国当代艺术邀请展》作为此次庆典活动中唯一的当代视觉艺术展览,已于3月2日至3月8日在中华世纪坛首展圆满结束。3月2日开幕式上,HCA-2005(中国区)艾瑞克主席、中国文化管理学会副会长汪建德先生、HCA-2005(中国)永远的安徒生纪念活动组委会主任王叔韬先生、艺术委员会主任范迪安先生分别做了讲话,3月2日开幕当天下午还举办了以“当代艺术与文化记忆”为主题的交流讨论会。当日到场的观众、媒体记者多达300人,纪念安徒生诞辰200周年庆典活动在中国北京由此拉开了序幕。

  展览邀请了 27位近年来活跃在海内外的中国当代艺术家,通过绘画、摄影、装置等不同的艺术媒体样式,有的度身打造,旨在探讨人类社会与自然环境、与历史文化记忆之间的种种命题,而其中透露出的现实与想像之间的关系则与安徒生曾经为我们创造的世界遥相呼应。

  展览继中国北京中华世纪坛展出之后,将于 2005年4月7日至6月5日在丹麦奥尔堡北日德兰艺术馆展出。届时,丹麦女王将为本次展览开幕剪彩。继丹麦之后,展览还将在世界其他国家巡展。

  本次活动得到了中华人民共和国文化部对外文化联络局、丹麦王国驻华大使馆、宋庆龄基金会的大力支持,由丹麦 HCA-2005基金会、中国文化管理学会主办,由中华世纪坛艺术馆、丹麦奥尔堡北日德兰艺术馆、HCA-2005(中国)、北京世纪金莱教育文化发展有限公司、HCA-2005(中国)永远的安徒生纪念活动组委会联合承办。

  展览邀请国内著名当代艺术策展人范迪安教授(中央美术学院副院长)出任艺术委员会主任,并由闻立鹏教授(中央美术学院、中国油画协会副主席)、贾方舟先生(现代艺术评论家、教授)、陈泱(原中华世纪坛艺术馆学术主持策展人,现创建“混沌计划艺术工作室”)、魏小明(清华大学美术学院教授、著名雕塑家)、吕小中(著名摄影家)、 Lorenz Helbling (中文名:何浦林,上海香格纳画廊主持)出任艺术委员会委员。


  在纪念安徒生诞辰 200周年之际,我们想起了安徒生在给一位朋友的信中说:“我现在热爱艺术,是因为艺术负有一个崇高的使命。”作为纪念安徒生诞辰200周年系列活动中的一个重要部分,《体温——纪念安徒生诞辰200周年中国当代艺术邀请展 》是中国艺术家感悟安徒生精神的最好献礼,将安徒生的诙谐、智慧、学识和抽象的构思溶入艺术创作当中,不仅展现中国艺术家的创作精品,让世界重新认识中国艺术,而且唤起全世界对安徒生的记忆。




纪念安徒生诞辰 200周年中国当代艺术邀请展图片

彼温此存—— 今日中国艺术对安徒生的回应

The Response of Today's Art to Hans Christian Andersen






—— 今日中国艺术对安徒生的回应

  在纪念安徒生诞辰 200 周年的全球庆典中 , 组委会选择以中国当代艺术构成的展览作为庆典惟一的视觉艺术展 , 先行在中国展出 , 既而前往丹麦参加庆典活动 , 并委托中国艺术界若干专家组成艺术委员会策划筹组 , 在这里 , 我谨代表艺术委员会全体同仁表示诚挚的感谢!感谢组委会对我们的信任,更感谢组委会对中国当代艺术的重视。今天,全世界都在用好奇的目光看待成长中的中国当代艺术并注意到它强劲的生机,同样,中国当代艺术也需要更多地走向世界,进行更广泛的交流。

  若即若离的,影影绰绰的,我们感知着安徒生,他的名字在全世界的人们心中是永远的存在。他的成就主要在于文学,但他的精神却远远超逸了文学,给所有艺术创造以深刻的激励。在受到艺术委员会的邀请后,所有参加这个展览的艺术家 —— 包括在中国生活和旅居在海外的中国艺术家 —— 都表现出了极大的参与热情。大家都相信,在自己的作品中,有着与安徒生的世界遥相冥契的动机、情感和意涵。


  在这里,我无意把中国艺术家的作品解释成与安徒生相关的故事,我想指出的是,今日中国社会生活的急剧变化、中国与世界同步的发展特征、不同文化的碰撞交融,都为中国艺术创造的多样化展开提供了充分的条件,也提出了新的课题。用 “ 体温 ” 一词作为这个展览的题目,可能恰切地表达了中国艺术家测定外部世界与体察自我心理的丰富感性。在全世界穿越时间和跨越文化边界向安徒生致敬的日子里,中国艺术家与安徒生 —— 确切地说 —— 与安徒生的情怀连在了一起,这是对这位伟大人物心灵的回应。



HCA-2005 (中国)永远的安徒生纪念活动






--The Response of Today's Art to Hans Christian Andersen


For the worldwide celebration of the 200 th Anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen's birth, the Organizational Committee has selected an exhibit comprised of Chinese contemporary art as the sole visual arts exhibit for the celebration. The exhibit will open in China before traveling to Denmark to join the celebration festivities there, and the committee formation, planning and organization has been entrusted to a number of experts from the Chinese art world. On behalf of the Art Committee, let me express sincere gratitude. I would like to thank the Organizational Committee for their confidence in us and even more for their appreciation and support of Chinese contemporary art. Today, the whole world watches the maturation of contemporary Chinese art with great interest, paying attention to its vigor and vitality. In this vein, Chinese contemporary art still needs to occupy a greater space in the global arena, and still needs to undertake even more extensive international communication and exchange.


Consciously and subconsciously, we feel Andersen's presence. His name has an eternal place in the hearts of the people of the world. Though his accomplishments were mainly in the realm of literature, the spirit of his work transcends the literary, providing a powerful creative impetus for artists of all kinds. After receiving the invitation of the Art Committee, all the artists participating in this exhibit—including Chinese artists living in China and those sojourning abroad—expressed tremendous enthusiasm. Everyone believes that there is a tacit understanding and mutual motive force, feeling and implicit meaning shared between their art and the world of Hans Christian Anderson.


Although this exhibit only represents a tiny fragment of today's Chinese art, but it prompts Chinese artists to perceive today's world's from a contemplative perspective. Just as the central enchantment in Andersen's fairytales derives from his extremely vast field of vision and extremely keen mode of perception, today's Chinese artists have been deeply affected with respect to ideals and reality, society and the individual, common experience and personal experience, from their individual positions, they each express their yearning to move towards a greater world. For example, in Anderson's fairy tales, there is always some kind of unexpected woe that suddenly befalls the characters in his stories, destroying their once happy lives or crushing their dreams and ideals, and making them fall into the fickle hands of a changeling fate. We are with the characters as they soar and crash, which shapes the intensity of our compassion for humanity and its culture. Through the work of these Chinese artists, we can see the continuation of this same compassion, namely examination of the concern for humanity in the conditions of today. If one can say that Andersen's fairy tales are prophecies about the fate of humanity, then many of the works on display at this exhibit present the artists' prophecy-like reflections on the state of human existence, along with the complex moods attendant to this kind of contemplation, and even raise pressing questions with a tone of foreboding warning. Andersen's fairy tales contain poems expressing a great universal love for human life. For the sake of a harmonious world, and coexistence between people and nature, Andersen constructed a beautiful and idealistic homeland that transcends national boundaries, and at the same time, in the work of Chinese artists, this same sort of childlike innocence can be seen everywhere, some of which draw on direct experience of the wondrous and moving aspects of life, and also express the simplicity and forthrightness of nature.


I have no intention of trying to interpret these artists' works as directly connected to the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. What I want to stress, however, is the rapid and tremendous transformation of the life of today's Chinese society. China is developing side by side with the world , different cultures collide and co-mingle, creating abundant and diverse conditions for the creation and unfolding of Chinese art, and raising new questions. The use of the words "body temperature" as the theme of this exhibit may accurately convey the rich perceptions of Chinese artists' hearts and minds as they experience, observe and evaluate the external world. As the world passes through time and crosses cultural borders to pay tribute to Anderson's work and life, Chinese artists and Andersen—or, to be precise—to connect Chinese artists with Anderson's spiritual legacy and respond to the soul of this great personage.


Fan Di'an

HCA -2005 (China) Eternal Commemoration of Hans Christian Andersen 活动

Art Committee Chair




